Our team aims at the next-generation blockchain system with scalability, security, privacy, and intelligence and our proposed architecture is composed of 6 layers as above. In the following, the details of these 6 layers will be explained from top to bottom.
Blockchain-empowered edge learning is a novel distributed learning architecture to dispense with a dedicated server in traditional distributed learning and provide trustworthy training for edge devices.
Blockchain database is a new direction that constructs index on top of blockchain to provide rich query functionalities. The existing works are either insecure because the query process separates from the blockchain consensus, or inscalable because all the data needs to be stored in the block. Therefore, we propose an authenticated semantic database layer for blockchains.
Most existing blockchain systems adopt a static policy that cannot efciently deal with the dynamic environment in the blockchain system, i.e., joining and leaving of nodes, and malicious attack. Therefore, we propose a novel dynamic sharding-based blockchain framework to achieve a good balance between performance and security without compromising scalability under a dynamic environment.
Most existing blockchain systems adopt a static policy that cannot efciently deal with the dynamic environment in the blockchain system, i.e., joining and leaving of nodes, and malicious attack. Therefore, we propose a novel dynamic sharding-based blockchain framework to achieve a good balance between performance and security without compromising scalability under a dynamic environment.
Payment channel network (PCN) is the most promising off-chain technologies to support massive micro payments for blockchain. The technology has been deployed in a number of blockchains including Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Personal data produced from widely emerged cyberspace activities are expected to promote information dissemination and engagement, or even make business intelligence more powerful.
Blockchain draws tremendous attention from academia and industry, since it can provide distributed ledgers with data transparency, integrity, and immutability to untrusted parties for various decentralized applications.